Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Carousel Ride

While Phoebe is riding the carousel, why does Holden begin to cry? What does this show about his personality?

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Museum of Natural History

Why does Holden get so mad when he is in the museum?

Central Park

Holden is always wondering about what happens to the ducks in Central Park during the Winter months. The park is about 843 acres. What important scene happens here?

Grand Central Station

The Grand Central Station is a scene that is talked about in the book. Which scenes occurred in this location?

Edmont Hotel

This is the hotel where holden stays during the chapter when he calls Faith Cavendish.

Why is Holden so worried about the ducks in central park?

Stanford Hotel

This is a picture of the Stanford Hotel where Faith Cavendish lives.

During the scene where Holden calls Faith, what else do you learn about Holdens personality?

The Red Hunting Hat

The picture of the hat above is similar to one that Holden wears in the book. But Holden's hat is red, not brown.

1. What tragic thing happened in Holden's life?
2. What is the significance of Holden's red hunting hat?

Monday, March 10, 2008

Holden's Train Ride

1. What tragic occurrence happened during Holden's life?
2. Who is the woman that he meets on the train?
The woman on the train invites Holden to her home in Gloucester, Massachusetts.